The culmination of years of work by many leaders throughout our corporate, nonprofit, and political sectors.

In this report, you will find the results of Chattanooga’s first Community Culture Index (CCI), which offers a rigorous localized assessment of the progress that workplaces are making on their inclusive practices and commitments. On behalf of the many partners who made this project possible, and the dozens of regional businesses and organizations who took part, we are proud to now share this report and eager to see how it can make our community a stronger and more welcoming place for everyone.

The need for the CCI is grounded in a period of exceptional disarray and upheaval, in our city and across the country. The aftershocks of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on employee behaviors, coupled with the racial justice reckoning after the murder of George Floyd, led to some fundamental - and arguably long overdue - realizations about the role that businesses and other organizations play in creating inclusive, diverse, and equitable communities.